Our Approach

A key area central to our approach is Fair and Ethical Practice. We also value excellence of practice and continued development of our mastery of skill. We support the professional bodies of our profession and are committed to uphold and practice by the Global code of ethics.
We are business people, who have had successful careers inside organisations and risen to senior manager positions. We retain our curiosity for people and systems.
We all have an interest in human development and have studied at length relevant areas such as psychology, psychometrics, neuroscience, transactional analysis, systemic approaches.
These are in addition to our qualifying certifications and further development in specific coaching practices that enable us to respond in the moment with the unique individual and their coaching needs and goals. The specific team member who is assigned to you will discuss the detail of their approach with you at the outset of your programme.
We practice different parts of our skill set and toolkit regularly to stay sharp and at our developmental edge, and we each have regular supervision. We have taken the time and trouble to write up our practice and submit to the scrutiny of our peers to gain accreditation and we continue to consider and add new and emerging areas of practice to our approach, to serve our clients best.
The Global Joint Position Statement on Climate Change lays out the commitment of members of the signatories to respond to our climate change emergency and our biodiversity crisis. Members of our team have been actively involved in the Group charged with bringing this to awareness across the membership of our profession.
In particular, this statement creates new areas of responsibility we would like to make you aware of. All members of the nine professional bodies are now committed to:
Raising awareness and offering support to our clients to enable them to redesign their organisations in response to changing needs and good practices
Collaborating to share knowledge
Developing our thinking and research to further consider how coaching and mentoring can serve to support society’s transformation through our client work.
Working towards carbon neutrality in our events and activities
To find out more about the Coachange Story and how we developed these approaches please watch our short video narrated by Lorenza.